Munich Airport

Integrated Report 2022


Stakeholder dialogue

Concept of dialogue for all key stakeholder groups

FMG pursues a three-stage approach to stakeholder dialogue, promoting transparency, and social acceptance. Only together with all stakeholders can the company meet future challenges.

Stakeholder groups


Information on target group-specific channels


To inform the various interest groups, the airport has defined tailored communication content, which it positions in the most appropriate channels.

Essential Instruments

  • Press releases and press events
  • Website and Intranet
  • Regional office
  • Airport publications
  • Presence in the political arena

Exchange with stakeholders


The airport involves its stakeholders in discussions and decisions about issues important to them. In this way, the company creates the basis for trust and long-term acceptance.

Essential Instruments

  • Aircraft Noise Commission, Neighborhood Advisory Council, Inside Airport
  • Technical committees and association work
  • Dialogue management
  • Social media
  • Stakeholder feedback on the integrated report

Results of the dialogue flow into business operations


The airport incorporates stakeholder feedback into its business operations. This allows trends to be identified in good time, external knowledge to be utilized and conflicts to be defused.

Essential Instruments

  • Quality management
  • Membership in professional networks
  • «Innovation Pilot» ideas platform
  • Key figures
  • Target process at management level

Stakeholder Expectations



  • Responsible employer and secure employment
  • Health protection in everyday work; occupational safety
  • Possibility of mobile and flexible working, work-life balance, on-the-job training and development offers
  • Promotion of diversity

Challenges / Conflicts of Interest

  • Assurance of the future viability of the company
  • Alignment personnel capacity with developments in the air transport industry

Measures / Destinations

  • Works agreement Mobile -Work
  • Intensified HR campaign to gain employees


  • Wide range of destinations and connections worldwide
  • Functioning, digitized processes and smooth operations
  • Assurance of maximum security through controls, authorities, and airport employees
  • Shopping, dining and events in terminals, MAC and visitor park

Challenges / Conflicts of Interest

  • Reconciling awareness of climate protection and individual travel and vacation needs
  • Handling of significantly rising traffic figures after crisis-related downturn

Measures / Destinations

  • New control lanes for baggage with highly sensitive CT technology
  • Presence of security authorities and the company’s own security force
  • Acquisition of new destinations


  • Functioning airside processes, smooth operations, and technical supply
  • Suitable and reliable infrastructure
  • Assurance of maximum security through controls, authorities, and airport employees

Challenges / Conflicts of Interest

  • Successive normalization of travel volume with lower personnel capacity
  • Establishment of existing routes and optimization of utilization rates

Measures / Destinations

  • Airline marketing
  • Regaining position among the top European hub airports
  • Consistent support of the customer journey


  • Transparency and reliability in fair business relationships
  • Compliance with contractually regulated agreements
  • Promotion of and compliance with guidelines and laws for the protection of human rights

Challenges / Conflicts of Interest

  • Business relationships changed due to global crises
  • Uncertainties due to the general economic and geopolitical situation
  • Functioning global supply chains

Measures / Destinations

  • Perception as a strong business location
  • Code of Conduct


  • Transparency and reliable information regarding strategy and development of the company
  • Cooperative approach

Challenge / Conflict of Interest

  • Dealing with critical issues

Measures / Destinations

  • Use of media multipliers
  • Increase in earned media share
  • Credible and reliable communication


  • Commitment to sustainable development of the airport against the backdrop of increased social expectations
  • Positive value creation effects
  • Active exchange on airport issues
  • Successively improved road and rail links to the airport

Challenges / Conflicts of Interest

  • Situation on the housing market
  • Transport network that is busy at peak times
  • Noise and air quality situation

Measures / Destinations

  • Promoting projects and partnerships for road and rail expansion
  • Regular measurements and transparent communication of the noise and air quality situation


  • Good governance and compliance
  • Environmental awareness and sustainable corporate policy
  • Compliance with applicable legal standards

Challenges / Conflicts of Interest

  • Anchoring good governance and compliance in the corporate culture
  • Different positioning of the associations

Measures / Destinations

  • Increase in the proportion of women on the Supervisory Board and at management levels
  • Introduction of our own positions in ongoing legislative processes
  • Solidarity in the industry


  • Innovative solutions, pilot projects
  • Digitalization
  • Cooperation projects

Challenge / Conflict of Interest

  • Generation of ideas and opportunities with suitable partners

Measures / Destinations

  • LabCampus: Center for innovations opened
  • Ergonomics project for robot-based baggage loading with Fraunhofer Institute
  • Incentives for development of innovative aircraft engines through fee system
GRI index
Key figures comparison
Business model