In search of potential savings and sustainable energy sources
Korbinian Nachtmann
Head of Energy Management
Who are you and what is your job all about?
My name is Korbinian and I am responsible for energy, meter, and CO₂ management at Munich Airport. In meter management, we measure energy demand. In energy management, we continuously reduce energy requirements, and in CO₂ management, we convert the energy required into emissions and report these accordingly.
«In the coming years, we will be investing heavily in measures to reduce our energy consumption, such as new drives for our ventilation systems to supply fresh air in the terminals or 24 new gates and gate air curtains in Terminal 1 in the baggage sorting facility.»
What is your background?
In fact, I am a «child of FMG»: I started my career in 2003 with an apprenticeship in mechatronics. After that, I took the second educational path to a Bachelor of Engineering (mechanical engineering). I then completed a master’s degree in energy technology and a doctorate in engineering at the Technical University of Munich before returning to Munich Airport, initially as a consultant. I have been employed as Head of Energy Management since the beginning of 2022.
What kind of measures will Munich Airport be implementing in the near future in terms of sustainability?
In the coming years, we will be investing heavily in measures to reduce our energy consumption, such as new drives for our ventilation systems to supply fresh air in the terminals or 24 new gates and gate air curtains in Terminal 1 in the baggage sorting facility. The second major component is the expansion of renewable energies such as photovoltaic systems on buildings and open spaces. We are also working to replace natural gas from fossil fuels with bio-methane produced from residual and waste materials.
What do you do in your private life for sustainability?
My wife and I have spent the last three years renovating an old 1978 bungalow and turning it into a plus-energy home. This means: a new roof, windows, doors, exterior insulation, basement ceiling, groundwater heat pump, 20 kW photovoltaic system on the roof of the house, terrace, garden shed, and carport … I also teach young people about energy technology and economics at the university in Landshut.
What motivates you most about your job?
Most of all, I enjoy my great team, with whom I get to work day after day on implementing the airport's climate strategy of «CO₂-neutral operation by 2030 at the latest». And of course my two children, for whom I want to leave the earth a little better.