Munich Airport

Integrated Report 2022



Consolidated statement of cash flows


 Total comprehensive income −49,460−250,766
+Deferred taxes not affecting profit or loss 2,7642,676
+Actuarial gains and losses −7,776−491
+Cash flow hedging −3,055−12,719
+Changes due to foreign currency translation −1,2674
 Profit/loss for the year (EAT) −58,794−261,296
 Result from companies accounted for using the equity method 2162,576
 Income taxes −6,564−74,961
 Financial result 37,39548,014
 Operating result (EBIT) −27,747−285,667
 Depreciation and amortization 266,400239,851
 Balance of gains/losses from the changes to the consolidation scope 2040
 Balance of gains/losses from the disposal of fixed assets and reclassifications from fixed assets −2,091−3,189
 Increase/decrease in inventories −2,3455,539
 Increase/decrease in current receivables −34,5753,269
 Increase/decrease in liabilities 19,59231,176
 Increase/decrease in employee benefits −19,490−38,759
 Increase/decrease in other provisions −21,041−868
 Increase/decrease in other assets/liabilities not related to investing or financing activities −14,7492,082
 Gross cash flow from operating activities 164,158−46,566
 Net income taxes paid/received −4,732747
 Cash flow from operating activities 159,426−45,819
 Proceeds from the sale of owner-occupied property, plant, and equipment 10,69719,801
 Proceeds from the sale of intangible assets 631639
 Proceeds from the sale of investment property 30
 Payments from the sale of subsidiaries −3,0450
 Payments for investments in owner-occupied property, plant, and equipment −167,031−244,628
 Payments for investments in intangible assets −1,122−2,115
 Payments for investments in investment property −9,432−1,441
 Interest received 1,1491,104
 Disbursements in connection with companies not fully consolidated 0−1,960
 Proceeds from short-term deposits 3,00133,000
+Cash flow from investing activities −165,149−195,600
 Proceeds from borrowingsIX.216,692438,350
 Repayments of borrowings from banksIX.−150,681−158,394
 Repayments of lease liabilitiesIX.−5,250−5,340
 Interest payments from lease liabilitiesIX.−254−269
 Cash inflows from Group-wide cash management with ­associated and affiliated companiesIX.4765,121
 Interest paid (excluding borrowing costs for qualifying assets)IX.−37,500−24,116
 Payments for borrowing costs for qualifying assetsIX.−3,912−6,687
+Cash flow from financing activitiesIX.19,571248,665
 Change in cash and cash equivalents 13,8487,246
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 16,9639,717
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 30,81116,963
GRI index
Key figures comparison
Business model