Munich Airport

Integrated Report 2022


Sustainable corporate governance

Sustainable corporate governance

With our sustainability strategy, we are pursuing the goal of generating value for the company and the region, ensuring environmentally conscious operation, and assuming social responsibility. Our sustainability strategy takes into account the material topics and includes the associated measures for their implementation as well as the defined targets in the strategic sustainability program. Topics are material if they influence the sustainable development of the airport’s economic, ecological, or social environment.

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Munich Airport’s external stakeholders and FMG management regularly assess the relevance of the topics defined as material. The results of the survey are incorporated into a Materiality Matrix. The topics with the highest relevance are brought into focus within the sustainability strategy.

Furthermore, key performance indicators are defined to make the achievement of strategic goals and the effectiveness of the measures measurable. In addition to the economic perspective, EBT (Earnings before taxes), and PEI (Passenger experience index) as a measure of customer satisfaction, CO₂ reductions are also used as an ecological indicator and the accident frequency indicator LTIF (Lost time incident frequency) as a social control indicator.

Materiality matrix 2022

Importance for external stakeholders

very highhighmedium

Sustainable infrastructure and construction projects*

Noise emissions and noise control

Customer orientation and service quality*

Greenhouse gas (CO₂) and air pollutant emissions

Occupational health and safety

Aviation development, safety and security

Transparent corporate governance*

Importance for internal stakeholders

very high


Sustainable infrastructure and construction projects*


  • Costs of expansion
  • Income from rents and leasing


  • Goal: Better connections with the airport via rail
  • Further development of the airport campus makes it attractive as a base for companies and shops.


  • There is an environmental impact, but this is reduced by sustainable building.

Noise emissions and noise control


  • Introduction of low-noise aircraft at MUC (e.g. Airbus A350), noise-dependent landing charges.


  • Noise emissions impact the environment.


  • Local residents are exposed to noise emissions.



  • Ecological diversity conserves nature and enhances the environment.


  • Society benefits from equilibrium between environment and nature.

Transparent corporate governance*


  • Employees receive training on a binding code of conduct. This increases their confidence in their actions. An electronic whistle-blower system is available.


  • A corporate structure with clear responsibilities satisfies the expectations of the general public with regard to transparency and responsibility.

Sustainable use of resources


  • Cost reduction due to sparing use of drinking water
  • Investments in building of process water wells


  • Reduced environmental impact
  • Avoidance and recycling of waste is a top priority

Customer orientation and service quality*


  • Customer focus creates incentives to purchase, for example, increasing customer loyalty and thus helping to boost the business’ cost-effectiveness.


  • Employees experience appreciation for their input, which motivates them.


  • Customers benefit from an offering tailored to their needs.

Greenhouse gas (CO₂) and air pollutant emissions


  • Environment is harmed by operations; climate protection strategy significantly reduces environmental impact.


  • Reduction of environmental impact benefits the region’s residents.



  • Digital offering opens up new lines of business.


  • The airport’s ongoing digital development is broadening the company’s in-house expertise.


  • Company is contributing to digital progress.

Attractive employer*


  • Training costs


  • Employees are treated equally regardless of their age, gender, and background, and receive the same opportunities and salaries.
  • Employees experience appreciation for their input, which motivates them and encourages loyalty to the company.


  • Equality and promotion of diversity at the workplace support integration into society.
  • Company is attractive to potential external applicants.

Occupational health and safety


  • FMG invests in the occupational health and safety of its employees, enabling the number of days of absence and costs to be reduced.


  • Employees benefit from a wide-ranging health program.

Aviation development, safety and security


  • Expected long-term growth in air traffic at the site has a positive impact on finances.
  • Obtaining operating license by promptly submitting the necessary proof and documentation


  • Application of the latest safety standards and experience in their implementation


  • Job preservation 


  • Environmental impact greater due to growth in air traffic


  • Society benefits from services to numerous destinations and the growing importance of the location.
  • Maximum security instills confidence

* Topic adjusted/merged

Materiality process: Identifying and integrating topics

In a materiality process, FMG annually identifies and prioritizes relevant issues from external and internal perspectives. FMG reports in accordance with the GRI standards (Global Reporting Initiative).

In 2022, existing topics were updated, expanded, and partially summarized. In fiscal year 2023, eleven material topics form a central component of the airport’s sustainability activities. The adaptation of the material topics is the result of a strategic reassessment. The changes can be found in the GRI Content Index.

1. Identification         
In addition to surveying key stakeholder groups, the material topics are aligned with societal trends and aviation industry developments and validated through an AI-based benchmark. Topics are adapted, supplemented, or incorporated for the first time.

2. Prioritization         
Key aspects of sustainable development are regularly discussed as part of an internal sustainability committee. The Executive Board discusses these issues with experts and members of the senior management team and decides on the strategic direction to be taken for the sustainable development of the Group.

3. Implementation         
Specific goals and measures are outlined within the strategic sustainability program for each material topic as well as the progress made implementing these. Following the decision and approval of management, the respective managers are responsible for implementing the associated measures to achieve the targets. 

GRI index
Key figures comparison
Business model