Munich Airport

Integrated Report 2022



Target achievement and overall assessment

Year on year and in comparison with the forecast development, these performance indicators have trended as follows:

Forecast/actual comparison

   in %in %  
EBT (in TEUR)–336,257Increase50.090.0–65,358Exceeded
Carbon reductions (in tonnes) 1)1,083Increase88.093.03,216Exceeded
Passenger Experience Index85.0Unchanged  80.4Not achieved
Lost Time Incident Frequency (LTIF) 2) Decrease–3.019.919.9Exceeded
  1. Depending on the data basis, the savings are determined on the basis of measurements, product data sheets or performance data on nameplates and documented in the CO₂ database. In exceptional cases, experience values of comparable measures that have already been completed and verified are used.
  2. Applies to FMG and AE Munich; 2019 (LTIF: 21.96) was used as the reference period.
Earnings before taxes (EBT)

Munich Airport’s EBT in fiscal 2022 continues to be impacted by the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Despite drastic counter measures in both the areas of expenses and capital expenditures, it was not possible to fully compensate for the decline in earnings. Nevertheless, strict cost management yielded a better EBT than planned.


Carbon reductions

Binding targets are agreed annually in order to achieve the long-term climate protection goals. They include stipulations regarding the implementation and recognition of efficiency measures, and special targets for the development of CO₂-reducing technologies. Examples include the conversion to energy-efficient LED lighting in all building categories (terminal, hotel, office, parkade etc.).

The expected catch-up effects did materialize in 2022. As a result, not only the previous year’s value was exceeded by a wide margin, but also the 2022 target with realized CO₂ savings of 3216 tons; as well, the emission factor, which was 0.380 kg/kWh, also fell by approximately 11% compared to 2021 (location based). The big increase is due to the implementation of delayed measures from the year 2021 and the new measures undertaken in 2022, such as the replacement of ventilation equipment in the terminals.


Passenger Experience Index (PEI)

Compared to 2021, Munich Airport saw a slight decrease in the satisfaction of passengers as measured by PEI in the 2022 fiscal year. While the year 2021 was still characterized by less traffic and therefore more stable processes due to the pandemic, in 2022 passenger volumes grew by two-and-a-half times while aircraft movements doubled. Coupled with a difficult personnel situation (including ground-handling services), this led to less stability in the entire passenger process, which had an effect on passenger satisfaction.

In order to meet the requirements of a five-star airport, Munich Airport has again implemented quality improvement measures to improve the passenger experience in 2022. One such measure was the Audio Walk through Terminal 2, which is designed to help families with children to reduce the waiting time at the airport. Another measure was the Express Queue during the security check, which was tested in Terminal 1. Passengers had the option to reserve a time slot at the security check to reduce waiting times.


Lost Time Incident Frequency (LTIF)

In 2022, the Lost Time Incident Frequency for FMG and AE Munich was 19.93, which was slightly higher than the forecast value of 20.73. In 2021, the value was 11.09. It means that the LTIF increased 44% compared to 2021. The increase is mainly due to the increase in hours worked (+⁠40%), which was already forecast in the last report, along with an increase in accidents (+⁠68%) at AE Munich and FMG (hours worked: 8%; accidents: 19%) in 2022. The increase in the number of hours worked was mainly due to the significantly higher traffic volumes. A comparison of the LTIF for 2022 and 2019 (21.67) – before the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic – reveals that the accident frequency has decreased.

GRI index
Key figures comparison
Business model