Munich Airport

Integrated Report 2022



Consolidated statement of profit or loss


+/−Changes in inventories and work in progress −6453
+Own work capitalizedVI.214,86917,207
+Other incomeVI.330,53261,946
 Total revenue 1,233,325680,482
Cost of materialsVI.4−421,965−249,702
Personnel expensesVI.5−500,035−419,095
Other expensesVI.6−72,672−57,501
 Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) 238,653−45,816
Depreciation and amortizationVI.7−266,400−239,851
 Operating result (EBIT) −27,747−285,667
+Interest resultVI.8−37,280−66,690
+/−Other financial resultVI.8−11518,676
 Financial result −37,395−48,014
+Result from companies accounted for using the equity methodVII.4−216−2,576
 Earnings before taxes (EBT) −65,358−336,257
+/−Income taxesVI.96.56474.961
 Group profit/loss of the year (EAT) −58,794−261,296
 of which assignable to owners of the company −58.794−261.296
 of which assignable to non-controlling interests 00
GRI index
Key figures comparison
Business model