Munich Airport

Integrated Report 2022


Sustainable Development Goals

UN goals: The airport makes a contribution

Munich Airport supports the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda with its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): We have identified twelve SDGs that are relevant to and can be influenced by the airport, and we intend to use strategic projects to advance their achievement. Specific goals and measures of the airport that contribute to reaching the SDGs are presented in the sustainability program.

Good Health and Well-Being


FMG has made it its goal to continuously improve Occupational Health & Safety and thereby reduce the number of accidents and the amount of time lost due to accidents and illness.

It is also FMG’s stated goal to reduce or, if possible, avoid health impacts caused by airport operations, for example, through noise pollution.

Material Topic

Occupational safety and health protection
Noise emissions and noise control

  • Determination of mental stress and definition of suitable measures to reduce it
  • Re-launch of Health Lounge AeroGround model project
  • Implementation of additional control-relevant key figures, conception and introduction of a new reporting system
  • Robotics: Development of a concept for the automation of processes in the ground handling service, in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institut
  • Implementation of a project to raise awareness of behavioral occupational safety
  • Procurement of occupational safety clothing and personal protective equipment including optimization of the procurement process, as well as procurement of security guard and operational clothing with reduced thermal load for the airport fire department
  • Handling of the noise reduction measures falling within the responsibility of FMG as outlined in the noise action plan of the Government of Upper Bavaria for Munich Airport, in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders.
  • Aircraft noise monitoring (stationary and mobile) in the airport region using innovative technology and the associated communication in real time and online

Quality Education


For years, FMG has been offering its employees the opportunity for continuous learning, in part through the airport’s own training unit, the Airport Academy. The aim is to provide needs-based, targeted support for employees’ personal and professional development.

Material Topic

Attractive employer

  • Revision of the corporate learning strategy
  • Establishment of succession management for positions and areas of need (e. g. training/dual studies, trainee program, university interns, succession management for specialists)
  • Development and establishment of a new qualification program for managers
  • Employee development through digital content and targeted development programs

Gender Equality


The aim of Munich Airport’s water management system is to affect the natural water balance as little as possible and arrange the various effects caused by water management, drainage, and the provision of drinking and extinguishing water so that they have as little impact as possible. These include the handling of deicing agents and groundwater. The airport’s certified environmental management system is proof of its numerous environmental activities.

Material Topic

Attractive employer

  • Development of measures similar to the various aspects of diversity set out in the Diversity Charter
  • Equal participation of all genders in management positions in the Munich Airport Group as defined in the objectives of the Group management report

Clean Water and Sanitation


The aim of Munich Airport’s water management system is to affect the natural water balance as little as possible and arrange the various effects caused by water management, drainage, and the provision of drinking and extinguishing water so that they have as little impact as possible. These include the handling of deicing agents and groundwater. The airport’s certified environmental management system is proof of its numerous environmental activities.

Material Topic

Sustainable use of resources

  • Increased use of service water instead of drinking water through the construction of service water wells
  • Control of the environmental management system in accordance with EMAS and DIN EN ISO 14001 (including the topics of noise and noise abatement, water, soil, air, nature, species and climate protection) for FMG, including the conducting of internal and external audits as well as recertification and revalidation every three years

Affordable and Clean Energy


The objective of Munich Airport is to achieve near-complete carbon neutrality in its energy supply while maximizing the utilization of locally available resources throughout the region. In pursuit of this goal, the airport is increasingly relying on photovoltaic systems. In the future, biogas is to be used to supply the combined heat and power plant, and the existing supply of biomass heat from Zolling is to be expanded if necessary.

Material Topic

Greenhouse gas (CO2) and air pollutant emissions

  • Control of the environmental management system in accordance with EMAS and DIN EN ISO 14001 (including the topics of noise and noise abatement, water, soil, air, nature, species and climate protection) for FMG, including the conducting of internal and external audits as well as revalidation every three years
  • Green IT: new construction of a Group data center including a concept for recovering waste heat
  • Expansion of photovoltaic systems on building roofs and ground-mounted systems at and around the airport to 50 MWp
  • Operation of the vehicle fleet with regenerative energy supply
  • Introduction of an incentive model in which the storage and throughput of sustainable aviation fuels is free of charge
  • Development of a «Net Zero MUC 2050» concept based on the ACI’s Net Zero Carbon Initiative
  • Implementation of the renewable energy concept 2030 with biogas joint venture, PV expansion, PPA projects, and geothermal energy 

Decent Work and Economic Growth


The airport’s business activities have a considerable impact on many different areas and stakeholders: Munich, Bavaria, and Germany as a business location, the region and its residents, its employees, as well as passengers, the companies located at and around the airport, and other stakeholder groups. The overriding goal is the sustainable operation of the airport.

The service profile of the Group covers virtually all the services available on the airport campus – from flight operations to passenger and cargo handling, to retail, hotels, and catering services. The objective is to ensure safe and attractive working conditions for employees throughout the business model.

Material Topic

Attractive employer
Sustainable infrastructure and construction projects
Transparent corporate governance

  • Implementation concept for the identification and regular recording of control-relevant non-financial key figures, including their inclusion in the Group management framework
  • Stronger implementation of relevant non-financial KPIs in the existing management tools of Group controlling
  • Quantification of group targets and measures in the integrated strategy and planning process
  • Implementation of a comprehensive business continuity management system in the Munich Airport Group
  • Introduction of modern office platforms (including Microsoft 365)
  • Ongoing development of digital channels to make the flow of information for customers and employees more secure and efficient
  • Standardization and optimization of process flows, development of process management and implementation of quality assurance measures
  • Determination of mental stress and definition of suitable measures to reduce it
  • Re-launch of Health Lounge AeroGround model project
  • Implementation of additional control-relevant key figures, conception and introduction of a new reporting system
  • Robotics: Development of a concept for the automation of processes in the ground handling service, in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institut
  • Implementation of a project to raise awareness of behavioral occupational safety
  • Modernization and reorganization of the job evaluation and remuneration system for non-tariff employees

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


Munich Airport is reclaiming its top spot among European hubs. To accomplish this, the premium hub in Munich operates efficiently, inspires customers, and is becoming a role model for sustainable air traffic throughout the industry. Expanding the integrated and intermodal mobility services on both land and air sides, with the goal of achieving a more efficient use of infrastructure and resources, remains a key objective of the Strategy 2030.

Material Topic

Transparent corporate governance
Sustainable infrastructure and construction projects
Customer orientation and product quality

  • Further development of the Airport Community app, which provides relevant information in digital form for all target groups operating at the campus (regardless of whether they are airlines, airport operators, or handling agents)
  • Bundling of touch points for customers through airport and partner channels and optimization of personalized communication and offers
  • Integration of sustainability criteria in the selection of future tenants
  • Standardization and optimization of process flows, development of process management and implementation of quality assurance measures
  • Robotics: Development of a concept for the automation of processes in the ground handling service, in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institut
  • Use of a digital platform on which Group employees can make suggestions for improvements in all areas of the company
  • Further development of the LabCampus urban development concept and implementation of the LabCampus construction measures (Cluster 1)
  • Expansion of the charging infrastructure

Sustainable Cities and Communities


An attractive and efficient connection by road and, above all, by rail is of great importance for Munich Airport as an intermodal hub. Therefore, Munich Airport's primary focus is on attractive networking with long-distance passenger rail services and the intermodal interaction of rail and air traffic.

Material Topic

Sustainable infrastructure and construction projects

  • Certification of selected sites according to the standards of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), construction of selected buildings according to the Gold Standard
  • Further development of the LabCampus urban development concept and implementation of the LabCampus construction measures (Cluster 1)
  • Implementation of preparatory steps for the integration of the airport into the synchronized German railroad timetable as part of a) the demand plan review for federal rail routes or b) the revision of the federal transport infrastructure plan

Responsible Consumption and Production


When it comes to the resources it uses, Munich Airport pursues a strategy of using natural resources sparingly, economically, and responsibly in the interests of future generations, with supplier management playing a key role.

Material Topic

Responsible use of resources
Transparent corporate governance

  • Implementation of the requirements of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act in the relevant procurement processes (integration of the Code of Conduct and the measures from risk management in the procurement policy and the purchase to pay process)
  • Use of sustainable materials for the production of advertising spaces as well as regional production (avoidance of transport)
  • Introduction of digital destination information (QR code), elimination of analog information stands
  • Business case: uncovering the potential of materials that can be reused or recycled according to the circular economy and that allow for savings
  • Development of a Group-wide concept for reducing the use of disposable plastics

Climate protection measures


By the year 2030, the airport aims to operate completely carbon-neutral. To achieve this, the Munich Airport Group intends to reduce its directly attributable greenhouse gas emissions by 60 percent through a wide range of technical measures. The remaining 40 percent of these emissions are not significantly influenced by technology.

Material Topic

Greenhouse gas (CO2) and air pollutant emissions
Sustainable infrastructure and construction projects

  • Control of the environmental management system in accordance with EMAS and DIN EN ISO 14001 (including the topics of noise and noise abatement, water, soil, air, nature, species and climate protection) for FMG, including the conducting of internal and external audits as well as revalidation every three years
  • Development of a «Net Zero MUC 2050» concept based on the ACI’s Net Zero Carbon Initiative
  • Optimization of energy efficiency in existing facilities
  • Expansion of photovoltaic systems on building roofs and ground-mounted systems at and around the airport to 50 MWp
  • Operation of the vehicle fleet with regenerative energy supply
  • Continuous, gradual replacement of old motors with newer, more efficient motors for the baggage handling system
  • Fitting of all positions near the building in Terminal 1 with Pre-Conditioned Air  (PCA)
  • PCA systems: increase in utilization rate of T1 through scientific approach

Life on Land


As the operator of a major stretch of infrastructure, Munich Airport is aware of its responsibility to the environment. The aim is to keep its impact on the environment and nature as low as possible, in the interest of future generations as well. For this reason, the goal of the planning concept from the very beginning was to optimally integrate the airport into its surroundings. Currently, about two-thirds of the land inside the airport fence consists of green space. The airport meadows next to the two runways play a key role in preserving rare plant and animal species.

Material Topic

Air traffic development and safety

  • Prevention of possible bird collisions through sophisticated biotope management (for example, by taking into account the needs of rare meadow nesting birds/bird protection during renovations and construction work)
  • Control of the environmental management system in accordance with EMAS and DIN EN ISO 14001 (including the topics of noise and noise abatement, water, soil, air, nature, species and climate protection) for FMG, including the conducting of internal and external audits as well as revalidation every three years
  • Collaboration with external stakeholders on campus to develop a wildlife trafficking awareness campaign

Partnerships for the Goals


A good cooperation with the region is essential for the success of the airport. Sustainable development is only possible through continuous dialog with all social groups. For this reason, FMG continuously engages in dialog with its stakeholders – whether within the company or at the local, regional, national or international level. As a responsible neighbor, for more than 20 years FMG has supported various institutions and initiatives in the region that reach as many people as possible and have a lasting impact.

Material Topic

Air traffic development and safety
Transparent corporate governance

  • Implementation of the Code of Conduct in the Group through training and increased internal communication
  • Development of a «Net Zero MUC 2050» concept based on the ACI’s Net Zero Carbon Initiative
  • Continued development of stakeholder dialog for statutory reporting requirements (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)
  • Involvement in local and regional projects, for example, by supporting cultural initiatives, sports clubs, and educational institutes  
  • Promotion of sustainable behavior among the workforce (e.g. formation of car pools or use of local public transport, reduction of paper consumption, waste separation)

Good Health and Well-Being


FMG has made it its goal to continuously improve Occupational Health & Safety and thereby reduce the number of accidents and the amount of time lost due to accidents and illness.

It is also FMG’s stated goal to reduce or, if possible, avoid health impacts caused by airport operations, for example, through noise pollution.

Material Topic

Occupational safety and health protection
Noise emissions and noise control

  • Determination of mental stress and definition of suitable measures to reduce it
  • Re-launch of Health Lounge AeroGround model project
  • Implementation of additional control-relevant key figures, conception and introduction of a new reporting system
  • Robotics: Development of a concept for the automation of processes in the ground handling service, in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institut
  • Implementation of a project to raise awareness of behavioral occupational safety
  • Procurement of occupational safety clothing and personal protective equipment including optimization of the procurement process, as well as procurement of security guard and operational clothing with reduced thermal load for the airport fire department
  • Handling of the noise reduction measures falling within the responsibility of FMG as outlined in the noise action plan of the Government of Upper Bavaria for Munich Airport, in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders.
  • Aircraft noise monitoring (stationary and mobile) in the airport region using innovative technology and the associated communication in real time and online

Quality Education


For years, FMG has been offering its employees the opportunity for continuous learning, in part through the airport’s own training unit, the Airport Academy. The aim is to provide needs-based, targeted support for employees’ personal and professional development.

Material Topic

Attractive employer

  • Revision of the corporate learning strategy
  • Establishment of succession management for positions and areas of need (e. g. training/dual studies, trainee program, university interns, succession management for specialists)
  • Development and establishment of a new qualification program for managers
  • Employee development through digital content and targeted development programs

Gender Equality


The aim of Munich Airport’s water management system is to affect the natural water balance as little as possible and arrange the various effects caused by water management, drainage, and the provision of drinking and extinguishing water so that they have as little impact as possible. These include the handling of deicing agents and groundwater. The airport’s certified environmental management system is proof of its numerous environmental activities.

Material Topic

Attractive employer

  • Development of measures similar to the various aspects of diversity set out in the Diversity Charter
  • Equal participation of all genders in management positions in the Munich Airport Group as defined in the objectives of the Group management report

Clean Water and Sanitation


The aim of Munich Airport’s water management system is to affect the natural water balance as little as possible and arrange the various effects caused by water management, drainage, and the provision of drinking and extinguishing water so that they have as little impact as possible. These include the handling of deicing agents and groundwater. The airport’s certified environmental management system is proof of its numerous environmental activities.

Material Topic

Sustainable use of resources

  • Increased use of service water instead of drinking water through the construction of service water wells
  • Control of the environmental management system in accordance with EMAS and DIN EN ISO 14001 (including the topics of noise and noise abatement, water, soil, air, nature, species and climate protection) for FMG, including the conducting of internal and external audits as well as recertification and revalidation every three years

Affordable and Clean Energy


The objective of Munich Airport is to achieve near-complete carbon neutrality in its energy supply while maximizing the utilization of locally available resources throughout the region. In pursuit of this goal, the airport is increasingly relying on photovoltaic systems. In the future, biogas is to be used to supply the combined heat and power plant, and the existing supply of biomass heat from Zolling is to be expanded if necessary.

Material Topic

Greenhouse gas (CO2) and air pollutant emissions

  • Control of the environmental management system in accordance with EMAS and DIN EN ISO 14001 (including the topics of noise and noise abatement, water, soil, air, nature, species and climate protection) for FMG, including the conducting of internal and external audits as well as revalidation every three years
  • Green IT: new construction of a Group data center including a concept for recovering waste heat
  • Expansion of photovoltaic systems on building roofs and ground-mounted systems at and around the airport to 50 MWp
  • Operation of the vehicle fleet with regenerative energy supply
  • Introduction of an incentive model in which the storage and throughput of sustainable aviation fuels is free of charge
  • Development of a «Net Zero MUC 2050» concept based on the ACI’s Net Zero Carbon Initiative
  • Implementation of the renewable energy concept 2030 with biogas joint venture, PV expansion, PPA projects, and geothermal energy 

Decent Work and Economic Growth


The airport’s business activities have a considerable impact on many different areas and stakeholders: Munich, Bavaria, and Germany as a business location, the region and its residents, its employees, as well as passengers, the companies located at and around the airport, and other stakeholder groups. The overriding goal is the sustainable operation of the airport.

The service profile of the Group covers virtually all the services available on the airport campus – from flight operations to passenger and cargo handling, to retail, hotels, and catering services. The objective is to ensure safe and attractive working conditions for employees throughout the business model.

Material Topic

Attractive employer
Sustainable infrastructure and construction projects
Transparent corporate governance

  • Implementation concept for the identification and regular recording of control-relevant non-financial key figures, including their inclusion in the Group management framework
  • Stronger implementation of relevant non-financial KPIs in the existing management tools of Group controlling
  • Quantification of group targets and measures in the integrated strategy and planning process
  • Implementation of a comprehensive business continuity management system in the Munich Airport Group
  • Introduction of modern office platforms (including Microsoft 365)
  • Ongoing development of digital channels to make the flow of information for customers and employees more secure and efficient
  • Standardization and optimization of process flows, development of process management and implementation of quality assurance measures
  • Determination of mental stress and definition of suitable measures to reduce it
  • Re-launch of Health Lounge AeroGround model project
  • Implementation of additional control-relevant key figures, conception and introduction of a new reporting system
  • Robotics: Development of a concept for the automation of processes in the ground handling service, in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institut
  • Implementation of a project to raise awareness of behavioral occupational safety
  • Modernization and reorganization of the job evaluation and remuneration system for non-tariff employees

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


Munich Airport is reclaiming its top spot among European hubs. To accomplish this, the premium hub in Munich operates efficiently, inspires customers, and is becoming a role model for sustainable air traffic throughout the industry. Expanding the integrated and intermodal mobility services on both land and air sides, with the goal of achieving a more efficient use of infrastructure and resources, remains a key objective of the Strategy 2030.

Material Topic

Transparent corporate governance
Sustainable infrastructure and construction projects
Customer orientation and product quality

  • Further development of the Airport Community app, which provides relevant information in digital form for all target groups operating at the campus (regardless of whether they are airlines, airport operators, or handling agents)
  • Bundling of touch points for customers through airport and partner channels and optimization of personalized communication and offers
  • Integration of sustainability criteria in the selection of future tenants
  • Standardization and optimization of process flows, development of process management and implementation of quality assurance measures
  • Robotics: Development of a concept for the automation of processes in the ground handling service, in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institut
  • Use of a digital platform on which Group employees can make suggestions for improvements in all areas of the company
  • Further development of the LabCampus urban development concept and implementation of the LabCampus construction measures (Cluster 1)
  • Expansion of the charging infrastructure

Sustainable Cities and Communities


An attractive and efficient connection by road and, above all, by rail is of great importance for Munich Airport as an intermodal hub. Therefore, Munich Airport's primary focus is on attractive networking with long-distance passenger rail services and the intermodal interaction of rail and air traffic.

Material Topic

Sustainable infrastructure and construction projects

  • Certification of selected sites according to the standards of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), construction of selected buildings according to the Gold Standard
  • Further development of the LabCampus urban development concept and implementation of the LabCampus construction measures (Cluster 1)
  • Implementation of preparatory steps for the integration of the airport into the synchronized German railroad timetable as part of a) the demand plan review for federal rail routes or b) the revision of the federal transport infrastructure plan

Responsible Consumption and Production


When it comes to the resources it uses, Munich Airport pursues a strategy of using natural resources sparingly, economically, and responsibly in the interests of future generations, with supplier management playing a key role.

Material Topic

Responsible use of resources
Transparent corporate governance

  • Implementation of the requirements of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act in the relevant procurement processes (integration of the Code of Conduct and the measures from risk management in the procurement policy and the purchase to pay process)
  • Use of sustainable materials for the production of advertising spaces as well as regional production (avoidance of transport)
  • Introduction of digital destination information (QR code), elimination of analog information stands
  • Business case: uncovering the potential of materials that can be reused or recycled according to the circular economy and that allow for savings
  • Development of a Group-wide concept for reducing the use of disposable plastics

Climate protection measures


By the year 2030, the airport aims to operate completely carbon-neutral. To achieve this, the Munich Airport Group intends to reduce its directly attributable greenhouse gas emissions by 60 percent through a wide range of technical measures. The remaining 40 percent of these emissions are not significantly influenced by technology.

Material Topic

Greenhouse gas (CO2) and air pollutant emissions
Sustainable infrastructure and construction projects

  • Control of the environmental management system in accordance with EMAS and DIN EN ISO 14001 (including the topics of noise and noise abatement, water, soil, air, nature, species and climate protection) for FMG, including the conducting of internal and external audits as well as revalidation every three years
  • Development of a «Net Zero MUC 2050» concept based on the ACI’s Net Zero Carbon Initiative
  • Optimization of energy efficiency in existing facilities
  • Expansion of photovoltaic systems on building roofs and ground-mounted systems at and around the airport to 50 MWp
  • Operation of the vehicle fleet with regenerative energy supply
  • Continuous, gradual replacement of old motors with newer, more efficient motors for the baggage handling system
  • Fitting of all positions near the building in Terminal 1 with Pre-Conditioned Air  (PCA)
  • PCA systems: increase in utilization rate of T1 through scientific approach

Life on Land


As the operator of a major stretch of infrastructure, Munich Airport is aware of its responsibility to the environment. The aim is to keep its impact on the environment and nature as low as possible, in the interest of future generations as well. For this reason, the goal of the planning concept from the very beginning was to optimally integrate the airport into its surroundings. Currently, about two-thirds of the land inside the airport fence consists of green space. The airport meadows next to the two runways play a key role in preserving rare plant and animal species.

Material Topic

Air traffic development and safety

  • Prevention of possible bird collisions through sophisticated biotope management (for example, by taking into account the needs of rare meadow nesting birds/bird protection during renovations and construction work)
  • Control of the environmental management system in accordance with EMAS and DIN EN ISO 14001 (including the topics of noise and noise abatement, water, soil, air, nature, species and climate protection) for FMG, including the conducting of internal and external audits as well as revalidation every three years
  • Collaboration with external stakeholders on campus to develop a wildlife trafficking awareness campaign

Partnerships for the Goals


A good cooperation with the region is essential for the success of the airport. Sustainable development is only possible through continuous dialog with all social groups. For this reason, FMG continuously engages in dialog with its stakeholders – whether within the company or at the local, regional, national or international level. As a responsible neighbor, for more than 20 years FMG has supported various institutions and initiatives in the region that reach as many people as possible and have a lasting impact.

Material Topic

Air traffic development and safety
Transparent corporate governance

  • Implementation of the Code of Conduct in the Group through training and increased internal communication
  • Development of a «Net Zero MUC 2050» concept based on the ACI’s Net Zero Carbon Initiative
  • Continued development of stakeholder dialog for statutory reporting requirements (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)
  • Involvement in local and regional projects, for example, by supporting cultural initiatives, sports clubs, and educational institutes  
  • Promotion of sustainable behavior among the workforce (e.g. formation of car pools or use of local public transport, reduction of paper consumption, waste separation)
GRI index
Key figures comparison
Business model